
Wednesday, November 21, 2007


This movie starts off with a young Englishman, Tristan, who sets off to find a falling star to prove his love to the girl of his dreams.

To do that he has first cross the 'Wall' which separates his town with the unkown. He managed to locate the falling star, who turned out to be a human, a pretty lady, Una. Yes, she is the star he has to bring back to his town.

But, it isn't that easy, as he has to fight off the rest - from princes & withces, who are all after the girl's heart. Their adventures fighting off them, plus the adventure with pirates on a flying ship gives this movie a wonderful heart-beating experience. Of course, the sound effect plays a part too.

Imagine a movie filled with magic, fantasy, plus a dose of reality - which is the current trend set out by movies like LOTR and Harry Potter. There are fightings, killings, lots of chasing (after the star's heart) and yet there is romance and comedy.

The more matured stars shines here - Michelle Pfeiffer in her witch role clearly steals the show with her charms & wit, while Robert De Niro pulls off a dual role.

With beautiful settings and though a little predictable script, this show is a great watch.

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